Institutional Review Board is responsible for the medical,
scientific and ethical legitimacy of a research involving human subjects.
It is important to have strict and efficient reviews on research protocols to decide whether
the research can or cannot proceed with human subjects.
Scientific, ethical and regulatory review of the research.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Asan Medical Center reviews the medical, scientific, and ethical aspects of research projects, protects the rights, safety, and welfare of research subjects, and reviews the validity of the reasons for clinical trial participation by those in vulnerable environments.
By adhering to the guidelines of the ICH (The International Council for Harmonisation) and the GCP (Good Clinical Practice), we review and approve research projects, provide exemptions for review, report continued review and adverse reaction, and review all devation, violation, and non-compliance.
Through integrated operation, the IRB at Asan Medical Center simultaneously functions as the review committee for drug clinical trials, medical device clinical trials, and institutional bioethics. Notably, we perform high-quality review by conducting preliminary review through senior reviewers.
The R&D Commercialization Institute at the Asan Institute for Life Sciences strives to inspire research ambition in researchers and create the next generation of revenue source for the hospital by systematic activation, management, and support of the commercialization of research products. We are also expanding the outputs of high-value technology transfer by actively creating strong patents and discovering potential technology-demanding companies through strategic intellectual property management.